This Law Makes No Sense!?!?!?!?!?

New Zealand’s new copyright law has good intent but seriously  this is clearly a step in the wrong direction, For example how would they police this law  because any New ZealandInternet provider has thousands of clients and these providers would lose to much money if this law was brought into effect not to mention the lose of jobs that would come with it. No one really knows the things this law will restrict because the government can’t seem to make up there mind about the parameters of this law because for example if they were to set a cap on the amount that a person/ family/ house hold can download were will it end because most people and family’s have multiple computers and not to mention gaming consoles that regularly have updates to download and also if you take into account game patches and resource material for school/ work projects, also what will happen to you tube? because to view videos on that site the computer must download the information. blocking music downloads wont help eitha because people shear and lend CD’s all the time to copy the music to their Itunes which is basically just like downloading music, But in all seriousness the copyright law just has to many flaws to be passed and even if it is passed people will just find ways around it i mean it’s human nature toevolve and find new ways around this law, So my ultimate opinion is that the Copyright law is a good concept art heart but is seriously flawed and is just a wrong move on the part of New Zealand’s government.

Thanks for reading


~ by maxbroderick on February 23, 2009.

4 Responses to “This Law Makes No Sense!?!?!?!?!?”

  1. I completely agree with your points on how they can police it. It does seem pretty impossible. Also i agree that people will find a way around it, cos where there’s a will there’s a way!


  2. i agree too!! 😀

  3. Hey Joe I totally agree bro and your right man, People will find ways around it… They’ve done it before they’ll do it again and then it just gets harder and harder, they’ll (Governments) will bring out stricter laws and legislation and then people will be too scared to even open their web browsers… why can’t indiviuals censore their own material and intellectual property.

    Don’t let Governments decide this matter by themselves they need public opponion and advice… Other wise will end up not wanting anything to do with the internet and then those people who’ve worked so hard to make there businesses and websites will miss out… Its a great resource provider and will be sorely missed…

  4. true man – totally agree

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